
Archive for May 4th, 2008

Being the über liberal (read: moderate) I am, I like sites such as fstdt and recently I found one thing of interest: Baptists for Brown 2008. As crazy as it sounds, the idea that the sun is the center of the solar system isn’t welcome there… Needless to say, neither is evolution.

It really looks like a parody, and believe me, I would be happy if it were… But I can’t tell. I looked for a disclaimer but couldn’t find any, so if someone could point one out, that’d be cool. Still, I’ve not much else to say on this wonderful phenomenon except…

Why don’t they hate me?

We’re using the same blogging system (WordPress.com!) and I’m a heavily controversial plus moderately popular blogger in support of evolution, atheism, and other true science, whilst at the same time dispelling religion, IDiots, and various other nonsensical belief systems.

That should be worse than a random gay guy, right? Oh wait, that’s the ultimate sin in Christianity… Well, luckily, I’m that too! So they’ve every (read: none at all) right to attack me vehemently.

Ah well, maybe they’ll notice my blog and put me on notice with bears thanks to the pingback directed at them. Until then, we wait…!

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