
Archive for May 29th, 2008

First things first: YOU stole MY story, I’m stealing YOURS! (I know it wasn’t the same subject matter in Ray Comfort’s case, but I was actually going to write on basically everything he did ;-; )

Anyway Michelle Malkin got an ad pulled from Dunkin Donuts for… what else… the notion that by wearing a scarf, the main person portrayed in the commercial must be a Nazi, or something. (The correct something is a terrorist, Islamic terrorist)

This really made me wonder: what the hell, Dunkin?

I have never heard of something as irresponsible as an entire ad being removed from circulation because of a scarf. I’ve also not heard it claimed very often that certain types of scarves are only warn by Islamic terrorists. I guess that’s the liberal media, at it again, brainwashing me to hate America.


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